Kashmiri Kitchen Live KKL

Creamy Mango Dessert with Condensed Milk and White Chunsa
Mango Dessert by Kashmiri Kitchen Live KKL

Creamy Mango Dessert with Condensed Milk and White Chunsa

Creamy Mango Dessert with Condensed Milk and White Chunsa by Kashmiri Kitchen Live KKL

Creamy Mango dessert 

  •  Mango is the` King of all the fruits. Everyone wants to eat mango and enjoy summer with mangoes.
  • lets start !
  • Take 2kg white Chunsa mangoes also peel off.
  • Take 2kg fresh milk  add some sugar and boiled and concentrated and convert into 1kg  condensed milk.
  • Cool home made condensed milk.
  • Blend the fresh mango pulp with condensed milk.
  • Cut mangoes in cube cutting.
  • Assemble all things in bowl cool it and enjoy it.

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